The Target Pistol Section is dedicated to all types of handgun shooting utilizing precision target small bore pistols as well as all types of center fire handguns. Standard courses of fire include ISSF, CDN 1800 (NRA), and PPC.
The Target Pistol Section shoots Wednesdays from 1700hrs till last light, Fridays 1600hrs to last light and Saturday mornings, typically 0900 to 1600hrs. Club guns may be provided for new members or approved guests on request. As with other Sections, there is a break in September for the Canadian Armed Forces Small Arms Concentration (CAFSAC).
Download a PDF on the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship.
You can email the Target Pistol section at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Note about ATTs (Authorization to Transport restricted firearms). NCRRA activities are held on federal military property. A special ATT is needed to transport restricted firearms to and from military property. These ATTs are obtained through the NCRRA ATT Coordinator. Until one of these ATTs has been issued to you, you MAY NOT bring your handguns and other restricted firearms to CRPTC, even if you already have a standard ATT for transport to an from civilian ranges. Application may be made through the activity captain.